

< 1 2 3 4 9 > showing 22 - 42 of 171 constituents

Kerry Birkett

Residential Life Staff

Teresa Blume

Head of Voice

Joan Boada

Boston Ballet School Faculty

Eric Bonin

Grounds Manager

Alexander Brady

Boston Ballet School Faculty

Randie Brisson

Science Faculty

Lindsay Brown

Community Dance Academy Faculty

Naoko Brown

Community Dance Academy Faculty

Michael Bucco

College Counselor

Irene Butler

Per Diem Nurse

Lisa Caliri

Secondary Piano Teacher

Talia Carpinteri

Associate Director of Alumni Giving & Engagement

Joann Carson


Melissa Cassel

Dean of Students

Jason Cheeseman-Meyer

Visual Art Faculty

Darvence Chery

Development Associate

Enver Cobani

Maintenance Technician

Alexander Cole

Maintenance Technician

Allison Cooley

Chief Development Officer

Samantha Coombs

3D Studio Assistant

William Cooper

Head of Theory and Composition

Contact the Admission Office

The Admission Office is here to guide you through the admission process. Please call, email, or write to the Admission Office at Walnut Hill School for the Arts with any admission-related inquiries and questions.

Admission Office | 12 Highland Street | Natick, MA 01760

T: 508.650.5020 F: 508.655.3726

Contact the Main Office

Walnut Hill School for the Arts | 12 Highland Street | Natick, MA 01760

T: 508.653.4312

Contact the Attendance Office

Current families with any attendance related questions can contact the Attendance Office at:

T: 508.652.7821

Contact the DEVELOPMENT Office

Development Office | 12 Highland Street | Natick, MA 01760

T: 508.652.7806

Contact Campus Safety

Walnut Hill School for the Arts | 12 Highland Street | Natick, MA 01760

T: 508.397.5759